Research and Partnerships Programme

Imagine a future where no child or young adult ever has to face homelessness. A utopian dream fit for a Hollywood film, right? Without stable housing, it is impossible for anyone to build up the rest of their lives. Education, health, financial stability, relationships… every part of life is decimated when you
don’t have a stable base to operate from. Our housing market is in crisis, homelessness is rising and our young people are being failed by a broken, disjointed system.

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Elaine, Executive Director

“It isn’t enough to just take young people off the street. That isn’t a solution. We’re
incredibly excited to be taking these steps forward in our anniversary year. Realigning our
mission to developing strong partnerships and long-term solutions to complex problems,
that is fundamental to achieving success for our past, present and future service users.”

For twenty years, Gloucestershire Nightstop has been working tirelessly to prevent youth homelessness when it starts, supporting our young people to the best of our ability in securing long term accommodation and building stable and successful lives. As we turn twenty, this just isn’t enough. We want the next two decades to be summed up by an explosion of creativity, collaboration and commitment to building long-term solutions to the problem, not just plastering over the consequences. That’s why we are launching a county-wide research programme, acting as a catalyst for partnership working and change. This is the start of a conversation. A conversation that we are determined to ensure leads to meaningful, long-lasting outcomes.

Our Partners

We can do this, but we can’t do it alone. Gloucestershire Nightstop is the catalyst for the conversation, the solutions cannot be provided by us alone. From housing providers to local authorities, the police to the NHS and the wider voluntary sector, we all have a part to play in taking our young people off the streets, off sofas and providing them with the strongest possible foundation to build stable and successful lives.This isn’t a utopian dream. It isn’t impossible. If we work together, we can achieve real, sustainable and impactful change.

Jacob, Former Service User and Trustee

“I’ve used Nightstop in the past, I’ve been through the system of homelessness and young
peoples’ supported accommodation. Wherever you look, the approach lacks a joint vision,
drive and communication. Rather than an inter-disciplinary, multi-agency approach to
ending youth homelessness, we have fractured services and competing interests. Every
step of the way, vulnerable young people are let down.”

“Coming back to Gloucestershire Nightstop has been amazing, the change is inspiring and
this initiative gives me so much hope that our approach, as a society and a community, to
tackling these kinds of complex problems really is changing.”

Contact for more information

Elaine Pearson-Scott, Executive Director and Project Lead

Jacob Bradfield, Trustee and Project Steering Group Member