Shortstops in the homes of volunteers in the community 

Providing a safe, supportive bed for the night for young people who are facing becoming homeless in Gloucestershire, in the home of a host volunteer

A young person in need of emergency accommodation will get a room of their own, an evening meal, breakfast, access to wash and laundry facilities and a friendly host.

What we do

Volunteer hosts open their homes to young homeless people facing a night on the streets or sleeping in an unsafe place. 

How we do it

Volunteer drivers ensure these young people get to a place of safety. Our Advice and Support Team assist the young person as they explore their housing options

The outcome

Shortstops are arranged on a Night-by-Night basis, a young person can stay for 1 night to several weeks, moving between hosts, giving themselves and partner agencies the opportunity to look for appropriate housing.

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Can you bring something special to one of the roles?

Apply now by completing this application form below

Nightstop is a community response to a problem which is all too common in our community. This unique service is made possible by the generosity of inspirational people with a spare room and a desire to make a difference in a young person’s life.” 

– Sir Trevor McDonald, President of Depaul UK


homeless in gloucestershire | Host Map for Website 1

Where are our Host Homes?

In instances where a young person in Gloucestershire is confronted with the prospect of homelessness, our utmost commitment is to address their needs while preserving their social framework. We strive to keep them within their local community whenever feasible, minimizing any disruptions to their work or education as they navigate their housing requirements.